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July 2023 YouTube Zoom - Most of the YouTube webcams now have the option for a digital zoom, much like the photo cams. However, the zoom function requires an overlay of the video which means you cannot access the YouTube navigation and settings buttons while in zoom mode. Therefore you may find yourself moving back and forth between zoom on and zoom off. Not perfect, but hope it helps. Should also make it easier to use the pinch feature on touch screens, which did not work on YouTube before.

Oct. 2021 Fantasy Fest - I have added the gallery for Fantasy Fest 2021 to be ready to upload nay captures you have from this years events. If you have any personal pictures from attending, please feel free to add them as well.

Jan. 2018 Menu Changes - I have been making a few changes to the site to make it easier to use from Mobile divices. Better for some than others, but it does make the menu choices easier to read.

Sept. 2017 Huricane Damage - As you know, we have had a bad huricane season. This has impacted many of the webcams on my site. I'm sure getting the webcam back up is at the low end of priorities for these locations. Wish them the best, and look forward to seeing the cams in the future. In the hardest hit areas, I will try to mark those I see back on-line with a check mark. If you see one on-line I should mark please let me know.

Jan. 29, 2016 Key West Cams - One of the major webcam providers in Key West is in the process of replacing and upgrading their current cameras. As a result many of their current cams have been down. They have said the new cams should start to go live within the next couple of weeks, but have not seen any yet. As soon as I do, I will update the site.

Sept. 18, 2015 BOB Capture Change - The service I use for allowing us to upload and save screen captures is making changes to their product. Soon you will see a change in the format of that page. Sorry if it causes any problems but this is beyond my control. One of the features no longer supported is the date and time of last update. I know that is very useful. I will try to come up with an alternative for you to easily find new updates.

July 2, 2015 Need New Cams - I know you must check out webcams on other sites. Wouldn't it be nice to have them in one place? Please drop me a note on other webcams that you think would fit our mix. Also, if there are webcams already on the site you feel should be added to the BOB matrix, just let me know.

November 10, 2014 Winter Cams - Over the winter months, the action on the beach seems to slow down. I've tried to add more from Brazil and Australia. If you know of other good Winter cams, let me know!

September 29, 2014 Fantasy Fest 2014 - Fantasy Fest down in Key West is scheduled for October 17th through the 26th. Keep a close eye on these webcams as things can get pretty crazy. However, many of the webcams get over loaded and or turned off, so it may take more work than normal to see what is going on. In the past, the webcam at Ricks is turned off, but maybe not this year???

September 24, 2014 Ebb Tide Resort - The webcam is down, however I did reach out to them for a status. They are aware and said it was a ComCast problem they are trying to resolve. Hope it is back up soon!

UPDATE: It's back on-line.

September 19, 2014 Las Vegas Orleans - I have updated the page for the webcam at the Orleans pool to include several presets and the ability to do basic PTZ. The webcam does not refresh very fast and does not handle multiple users very well, but the image quality is very good. That quality with a very good zoom should allow for some good captures. Please be patient as the image does not update fast when under load, and some times you will see another persons image while the camera moves around.

Being a pool in Las Vegas I hope we get some good pics!

August 25, 2014 Site Navigation - After answering a few e-mails on this topic, thought I would mention it here. At the top of most webcam pages, there is a menu button at the top right. Clicking on this will slide open the main menu choices for quick site navigation. On the Menu pages, it will open a list of the major areas on that menu to help you scroll to the right area. Hope this helps get you to the right cams faster!

On a related topic, as some of you have noticed, the Full Screen and zoom options are not available on Mobile devices. They don't work the same on all devices, and it is easier to use the touch screen in most situations to do the same thing.

August 11, 2014 Wet T-Shirt Contest - If you haven't noticed, Mango's has a contest almost every day around 6:00 to 7:00 EST. If you are lucky, they will zoom the camera in on the contestants!

August 10, 2014 Maui Webcam - Looks like they have put the Maui Napili webcam on a view rotation with no user control. I will leave the controls on the page until we are sure it is locked down. Too bad, but still some nice views.

UPDATE: Spoke to soon, seems to still be controllable, just seems to be more hit and miss....

August 7, 2014 Edd Tide Resort - Check out the new Edd Tide Resort webcam. Currently it is fully controllable with views of the beach and pool area. Should be good for at least a few good captures. Check it out now before it is locked down. Requires a password to control, but should be worth the effort.

August 6, 2014 BOB Refresh - Added the option to increase the refresh rate for the BOB matrix images. The normal refresh was every 12 seconds. The faster version does a refresh every two seconds. However, not all webcams have a new image every two seconds, so some will refresh faster than others. This may also be too much for your PC or Internet connection, but give it a try. If you notice, the URL for the BOB webpage has a new parameter called Speed. On the faster page, this is set to 2000 (milliseconds). If you want to try other speeds, you can change this number.

July 17, 2014 BOB Captures - Just realized the upload button for some of the BOB galleries did not work in some browsers. I have redone the code, and believe it should now work. If you have any more problems, please let me know!

July 14, 2014 BOB Password Change - I have removed the password required to see the BOB webcam captures. However, the more hardcore captures from Simonton Court have been moved to a password protected gallery. The gallery has the same password as that used previously for all galleries. Decided it didn't make sense to make it hard to access all galleries when it was just one that pushed the limits. We will see how this goes, but if we start having problems, I may have to go back to the previous model.

Also, check out the Hale Napili webcam (Maui). The zoom and control functions, if you can get your turn, are unrestricted. I'm sure that will change soon, but until then we should see some interesting views!

July 10, 2014 Share Your Webcam Captures - I have added the ability for viewers to add their own images to each capture gallery so I don't have to move them around. If you would like me to add a gallery for a specific webcam, just ask. The upload app has the capability to use several methods to upload. Hope one works for you and your device. If not, you can still send them to me in e-mail. Please try to re-size the smaller images to a larger size for better display, if possible. Thanks for your updates.

July 9, 2014 Forum Update - Well I have finally given up on the Forum page, and will be removing it from the site. More hackers interested in posting garbage than people talking about webcams. I've tried to lock it down but it gets to the point it is unusable. So, I've started more of a Blog to post updates and changes for those interested. Please use the contact form or my e-mail ( to reach me if you have something to say. I have also left the ability to post comments within the capture galleries. Haven't had a problem there yet!
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